Ethnic minority

The 100,000 Smiles Project

A community dental health initiative dedicated to improving acces to affordable dental healthcare and promotion of modern oral hygiene methods in rural and under-served communities of Northern Nigeria through enlightenment campaigns,dental outreaches and distribution of oral hygiene accessories.

Doctor From Home India

DoctorFromHome is a revolutionary online(Telehealth) service designed for both doctors and patients which uses our cutting edge technology for online video consult 24x7 to meet and exceed the local needs of our urban and rural population

Pro Mujer Mexico

Pro Mujer in Mexico targets women in low-income areas to combine micro-financing and health to empower women and enable access to care.


Bolivia, Burundi, Guatemala, India, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Uganda
Kangu has a big dream: every woman in the world has a safe birth. Kangu’s crowdfunding platform is designed to help put an end to preventable maternal & newborn deaths by enabling microdonors to support life-saving health services for pregnant women (mamas) & their babies in need, globally.

Ekialo Kiona Suba Youth Radio (EK-FM)

The Ekialo Kiona Suba Youth Radio or EK-FM is a for-youth, by-youth community radio station on Mfangano Island, Kenya. Produced in Suba language, EK FM affords a unique channel to target the health crisis and marginalization of the Abasuba people through expression, solidarity, and revitalization of heritage and culture.

Cox's Bazar Hospital for Women and Children

These centers aim to serve millions of people by providing education, acute medical care, treatment, and the rehabilitation of sick, injured, disabled and destitute women and children.

Medical Education for Ethnic Minorities (ME EM)

The Medical Education for Ethnic Minorities project seeks to improve the health status of ethnic minorities and other people in mountainous areas in Viet Nam by increasing the number of well-trained and qualified doctors, nurses, and midwives in their communities.

Tello Mobile Clinic (TMC)

Tello Mobile Clinic (TMC) aims to decrease the incidence of common illnesses and other manageable health problems in Pulau-Pulau Batu (Rock Islands) through the provision of mobile health services to marginalized and isolated communities in the North Sumatra region of Indonesia.

LAMB Integrated Rural Health and Development

LAMB is an integrated delivery organization that focuses on providing maternal & child care services through it's hospital and network of community-based clinics and safe delivery units. LAMB thereby has its foundations in providing health services around the communities of the area.

Pro Mujer Bolivia

Pro Mujer Bolivia is a microfinance development institution which provides health services to their clients as an integral part of their programming.
