
Hope Through Health

Hope Through Health saves lives by making healthcare accessible and effective in Togo, West Africa.

Medpax Disposable Birth Delivery Kit

Medpax are disposable birth delivery kits that provides women with low cost, safe, clean, and hygienic child birth delivery solutions irrespective of where she delivers: at war, home, volatile settings or away from home without risk of infection/complications thereby saving lives of mothers/children

The 100,000 Smiles Project

A community dental health initiative dedicated to improving acces to affordable dental healthcare and promotion of modern oral hygiene methods in rural and under-served communities of Northern Nigeria through enlightenment campaigns,dental outreaches and distribution of oral hygiene accessories.

Caring palms health care

Caring palms health care is a revolutionary medical service leveraging on mobile and web platforms for primary prevention and management of chronic diseases through active screening, integrated specialized care for the elderly, post surgical and terminally ill patients


An app for trustworthy doctor selection, appointment scheduling and reasonably priced video, phone or text chat consultation. DoctorDial furthers our dream of providing free personalized health education and making quality health care accessible to the underprivileged.

mDoc Healthcare

mDoc is a digital health social enterprise which aims to dramatically reduce chronic disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa by providing people with chronic disease with integrated care support through mobile and web platforms.

Doctor From Home India

DoctorFromHome is a revolutionary online(Telehealth) service designed for both doctors and patients which uses our cutting edge technology for online video consult 24x7 to meet and exceed the local needs of our urban and rural population

Sure Girl Initiative

Sure girl initiative is a cervical cancer awareness program, which targets reduction of cervical cancer mortality in Nigeria through awareness campaigns, vaccination of young girls before they become sexually active and provision of affordable mobile screening and vaccination to women above 21..

Casa Angela

Casa Angela is a non-profit organization that carries out MNCH activities in the hopes of increasing indicators in the slums of Sao Paulo. Initiatives under Casa Angela include workshops for mothers, provider trainings, seminars for youth, and physiotherapy.

Pro Mujer Mexico

Pro Mujer in Mexico targets women in low-income areas to combine micro-financing and health to empower women and enable access to care.
